Organisations of goodwill

Managing goodness is an aspect of corporate responsibility
Good companies are adept not only in human resources and knowledge management; they are also strong in managing goodness. This fostering of goodwill does not just serve the company or the public _ it also generates happiness and spiritual development among their personnel, which ultimately benefits their organisations.
Here is what companies and organisations can do to create an energy of goodness:
 – Encourage employees to share their past good deeds, or stories of generosity, or how they have conquered their temptations.
When we listen to others’ good deeds, we generally feel inspired to do good also. Stories of kindness nurture the seeds of grace in our hearts.
Listening to colleagues’ stories of what makes them feel good also enables people to know each other better. After such sharing sessions, many say they never knew their colleagues had such good hearts, because in the work environment they often see a side they don’t like as much.
 – Create opportunities for people to share suffering in their lives.
We know our colleagues mainly through work. We rarely know about them on a personal level, although their personal lives can affect work. For example, someone comes to work late frequently without the boss or co-workers knowing why. So she got criticised by everyone. If there are opportunities to share, then we will know she has to take care of a disabled mother or father with Alzheimer’s disease. This sharing activity fosters mutual empathy, which will significantly improve work atmosphere. It also encourages people to be thoughtful to one another.
 – Give one another praise and encouragement. The goodness in our hearts is energised when we receive encouragement or approval from others.
In most organisations, however, opportunities for compliments are few and for criticism are many, so that people tend to see each other negatively.
Encouraging people to show appreciation for one another strengthens their resolve to do good. It improves work relations, boosts a positive attitude and thoughtfulness for others, as well as for ourselves.
 – Work together and share responsibilities. Distance hinders understanding. Lack of mutual understanding makes one see the other side negatively, leading to negative relations and mutual aversion, thus increasing the gap. But if we have a chance to work, plan and take responsibility together, the proximity will help foster understanding. And if there is a chance to share on a personal level, they can provide support for one another.
 – Serve the community or help the needy together. This activity outside work strengthens people’s relations in the organisation as well as boosts the power of goodness in people’s hearts. Exposure to the suffering of others will make them realise how small their problems are. After doing community work together, there should be a chance for participants to exchange experiences, which will trigger new thoughts and inspirations.
 – Support inner development. This means supporting people in the organisation to be mindful, to let go and get in touch with inner peace.
This can be attained through several means apart from meditation. This inner development activity will enable people to feel happy with work and have better relations with co-workers. It will also bring out their positive energy to serve the public and their organisations better.
 – Turn the work environment into a place of learning and fun. Work can be fun, creative and educational given the right attitude and a favourable atmosphere. The environment should foster cooperation rather than competition. It should generate creativity, sharing of experiences, deep listening, mutual appreciation and advice. This kind of environment makes work a channel for self-development, not just something one does for a living.
Whether these activities are possible or not depends on the structure of the organisation. It is easier in an organisation where relations are more horizontal than vertical, the hierarchy is not complex, people are more or less equal, the structure is more of a network than a top-down pyramid, co-operation is valued more than competition, the decision is not top-down or authoritarian but based on objectives and participation. It is an organisation where profit-maximisation and material gains are not the indicators of success, where employees’ happiness or the public good are taken into account. It is an organisation that should be emulated for not holding self-interest above the common good.
Life can move forward with happiness if the mind is full of goodwill and free from ego. This developed mind can unleash an energy able to move the organisation ahead. In the same vein, a developed organisation supports its employees to develop mind and life, thus creating a cycle of grace.
Life is a vehicle. It moves when there is a destination to reach. For a valuable life, the goal is to be able to help fellow human beings, to attain the highest value of humanity and to realise the maximum potential from being born. The journey towards that goal is our way of life, our work. We then should make our life and our work a path to develop ourselves and to help others. The driving force is goodwill and understanding. In other words, compassion and wisdom. The organisations that can provide these causes for goodness are successful in creating happiness for all.